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Determined Biden vs Divided Democrats

joe biden

Trump will use the infighting within Democrats to rally support and acceptability, while disenchanted Democratic supporters would further get disengaged, leading to a potential Trump victory.

As Joe Biden remains stubborn to step down, the democrats have become divided resulting the 2024 elections to be interesting with High Stakes 

Joe Biden isn’t going anywhere. He has declared that he will not drop out of the presidential race. He is affirmative. He is stubborn. And sure that only he and him alone can stop Trump becoming the President. However, many Democrats, liberals, pro-Democrat sponsors, and Silicon Valley tycoons are rattled and demand that Joe Biden be removed from the race.

Let’s assume for a moment that Joe Biden has left the race and has been replaced by another Democrat—someone who lacks the wit and tenacity to take on Donald Trump by his horn. Let’s say that person is Kamala Harris. A CNN-SSRS poll conducted after the debate found that Vice President Kamala Harris performed slightly better than Biden against Trump, within the margin of error but still trailing. However, Harris, has failed to prove her mettle as the VP. She has been a disappointment against the hopes and weathering she had given. Moreover, her likeability and acceptance within her own party are issues. Reportedly if Harris is picked, it is believed that there would be strong protest from her legions of Democratic supporters, many of them Black women, a voting bloc that is essential to a Democratic victory. And let’s not forget America remains to be a patriarchal society, often preaching but not practicing equality. Besides, a chaotic selection process would ensue, with factions fiercely competing and bruising egos, ultimately bypassing direct participation by Democratic voters

Meanwhile, as Democrats infight, Trump and his supporters will have a field day. Trump will use the infighting to rally support and acceptability, while disenchanted Democrats would further get disengaged, leading to a potential Trump victory. And think of all the things Trump has signaled he would do when he wins back. He will put the chaos back in the mess. He would visit Putin and offer America’s support, allowing Putin to go savage. He would then visit Netanyahu and pledge support to Israel, escalating tensions further. In an interview to with the conservative Israeli publication Israel Hayom, Trump said, “You have to finish up, you have to get the job done. And you have to get on to peace.” Trump, clearly, has little to none support for the Palestinians and and no empathy for their suffering. Domestically Trump would create mayhem, appointing loyalists to concentrate powers of the state in the hands of a man whose appetite for power appears all but insatiable. It all sounds and paint a very horrifying destructive time. 

Returning to the present. Biden, yes, undeniably is unfit to run and may not have what it takes to beat Trump. He was struggling before the debate kerfuffle and will continue to struggle if he survives it. But he is the perfect bet. Biden has restored some stability to America after Trump’s chaotic tenure. He revived the economy and the mood became freer, hopeful and cheerful. The world was peaceful till Netanyahu’s actions disrupted the status quo. Biden stands as the only person capable of stopping Trump’s destructive impulses and the Supreme Court’s increasing latitude granted to Trump.

As stated by a New York Times opinion columnist, “The fact that an 81-year-old is increasingly showing signs of being an 81-year-old doesn’t panic me; what Trump has signaled he’ll do with another term does.”

By श्रुति व्यास

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